Rebecca is the wife of Nishan Krikor Sherinian.
On there are a lot of different databases to search for individual names, such as the:
Ancestral File (AF)
Pedigree Resource File (PRF)
International Genealogical Index (IGI)
U.S. Social Security Death Index (SSDI)
Family History Library Catalog (FHLC)
These are only a few of the many different searchable databases available online.
In relation to Rebecca, in every database on, her birthdate is listed with a different year. It was so vexing! I didn't know what to put in my own PAF. Well, in searching different databases, I came across this website:
Go to this website! You have to see what I found!
Type in the surname: Sheranian
It will come up with a list of names. The one that is relevant is:
Rebecca Sheranian (and Rebecca N Sheranian--they are the same)
You can also type in: Sherinian
It will come up with another list of names. The one that is relevant is:
George Sherinian
(The other Sheranian/Sherinian names ARE relevant, just not to the project I am doing right now for my Family History class.)
Click on the names, and you will see that you can click on an image of their Death Certificate!!
Hence, not only did I find the REAL birthdate of Rebecca Nigogos (it is 24 Jan 1873), but I found the information on George's death--his nickname was George, but his given name was Krikor Nishan Sherinian, a son born to Rebecca and Nishan Krikor in Sivas, Turkey just before they emigrated to Utah. If you can't read the death certificate, it says that he died from a pile of lumber falling on his neck at 3 years old! =( How devastating! I can't even imagine!
this is nate sheranian.
I just ran on to this research site, and I really like what you have done so far.
Thanks for continuing research, and sharing what you have found.
I am going to subscribe to this blog.
You are more than welcome to!
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