Thursday, July 7, 2011

Gutke Family pdf files

Marie Hazel Gutke was the wife of Herond Nishan Sheranian, son of Nishan Krikor Sherinian. These are family files of the Gutke side of the family...

1. Johannes Gutke and Johanna Mork

2. Raadenefors in 1872

3. Gutke Family in 1875

4. Certificate of Citizenship - Johannes Gutke

5. Oscar Julius Gutke - Approx Age 9 and Age 18

6. Oscar and Rhoda

7. Rhoda's Things

8. Rhoda Ann Player Gutke - Age 20

9. Rhoda Ann Player Gutke - Hair and Burial Clothing - 1894

10. Marie Hazel Gutke - About One Year of Age

11. Gutke Home in Smith Field UT c. 1900

12. Marie Feeding Chickens on Smith Field Farm

13. Oscar Gutke Affidavit - July 22, 1896\

14. Marie Gutke in Alaska 1898-99

15. Newspaper Article From July 3, 1897 - Oscar Gutke Resorts to Strategy

16. Oscar Julius Gutke Family c. 1910

17. Marie Hazel Gutke With Julia Gutke Brixen c. 1910


Deniane said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you! I have been researching this Gutke line for several months and these pictures are absolutely priceless! Thanks for taking the time to scan them and make them available for everyone. I posted a link to the photos/documents you have listed here on my blog

Judd said...

I can't believe how priceless these photo documents are! I just found out that Marie Gutke, our Nana Rie, lived in the Waterloo Ward. Her house is still there and only two doors away from where I am assigned as High Council advisor.

Judd said...

Nana Rie lived with Julia Brixen in the old Waterloo Ward. The house is still there! Thanks to those pictures you posted I found the house.

Judd Sheranian

KaRynn said...

Yay! I like hearing things like this, Judd!! But all the credit needs to go to both my great Aunt Renee Sheranian and Marilyn Sheranian and my dad. Renee did all the leg-work. Marilyn kept all the information safe for years, and my dad digitized it. The only thing I did was make it public--which I was more than happy and excited to do! I learned things about my family from posting them that I'd never known before! Including that Marie Gutke had been basically kidnapped by her grandparents. Who knew??!?

Judd said...

Does anyone know the circumstances surrounding Rhoda Ann Players death? Did she die due to child birth complications? Was it something else? Is there anything written about it? Judd